Assessment and Evaluation are considered as a process that will increase quality of the education, facilitate decision making about education for teachers and school management, motivate students to learn and inform their parents.
All assessment and evaluation applications performed at the school are carried out by using contemporary assessment and evaluation methods, techniques and practices. All assessment and evaluation applications are organized to include questions at different levels from "very easy" to "very difficult" to cover every level of the cognitive domain (knowledge-understanding-practice-analysis-synthesis-evaluation). The assessment and evaluation practices applied are prepared together with the Assessment and Evaluation Unit and the course teachers in such a way that the validity and reliability criteria take precedence. In every assessment and evaluation application; comprehensive subject / theme analyses and questions are prepared in such a way to test the learning outcome, content and expected skills.
Assessment and evaluation processes include classical measurement instruments (written exam, multiple choice tests, etc.) as well as alternative measurement tools and evaluation methods. Appropriate assessment methods are chosen based on the learning outcomes and content analysis. The number of examinations and assessments to be made in one semester of the courses is determined according to the course hours indicated in the related regulations. Success of the students is monitored with projects realized, open-ended applications, subject screening tests, trial exams, performance assignments, etc. and other activities.
As a result of the assessment and evaluation activities performed, the analysis of the subject and learning outcome levels is evaluated in detail. At the end of the analysis, differentiating nature, difficulty of the questions, distracter analyses, blank questions and similar assessments are made based on the achievement distribution charts, achievement charts, student learning outcome achievement charts, exam class, branch, school averages, questionnaires and they are sent to relevant units.
According to the results obtained after the evaluations made, the academic support processes like the complementary trainings that the student needs are examined and planned together with the Assessment-Evaluation Unit and the teachers. The results are presented to the school management and the Counselling Unit through reports. The academic status of our student, all works that have been and will be done are shared with our parents so that all stakeholders are informed.
Each student is assessed in accordance with his / her progress line and performance, and the results are stored in the student's development file during the entire learning period at the school and as the student progress to the upper classes, the academic progress of the student is known from all aspects.
Exam Types
Readiness: The purpose of the exam made during school opening week is to evaluate the books given as summer holiday homework to the students and to determine the missing topics on the student basis when starting a new semester. The Readiness Exam is prepared by the Group Leaders and done as a test/ classical assignment by every teacher during his/her own class hours. The results of the exam are evaluated and reported by the ÖBP.
KTT (Subject Screening Test): It is applied in the TMSF courses in order to follow the subject-based learning of the students. Compensation studies are planned according to the exam results.
KDS (Learning Outcome Assessment Exams): At least 2 KDS's are performed for courses with 2 course hours and 3 for courses with 3 course hours. The KDS result is assessed directly with grades. KDS's can be arranged as tests or classical examinations.
Pilot Exams and YGS-LYS Pilot Exams: Pilot exams are performed based on the exam schedule. The average of all pilot exams made in secondary school and high school is included in the average as an oral grade. Student participation in pilot exams is very important. Parents of the student who does not take the test without an excuse are called and the parents-student-homeroom teacher and deputy principal make discuss the issue. Students who do not enter the test in the elementary and secondary school groups are not retested.
New semester exam schedule is published on the website at the beginning of every education-teaching year for being followed by the parents and students. Results of all exams made for following the academic development of the students are published in OBS assessment evaluation program.
Evaluation Process
Our unit works with teachers in the process of preparing all general exams consisting of objective measurement tools such as short answer or multiple choice tests in accordance with the education programs and in parallel with the teaching process and carries out the processes of analyzing and evaluating the results. According to the results obtained, it is determined that our students learn "what and how" and it is ensured that classroom activities are planned in the light of this information.
In this direction, joint activities are being carried out in terms of preparation and evaluation of unit final assessment exams related to Turkish, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Science courses. In these activities, it is aimed that examinations should be able to detect the ability to adapt, interpret and associate basic information to situations in real life rather than testing memorized information. Furthermore, effort is spent for ensuring that exams are in parallel to the course.
"Student Result Documents" related all the exam results applied in high school classes is published on the web. Thus, our parents have access to all exam results of their own students. In the "Student Result Documents", the subject / sub-topic measured by each question are given as a percentage are given in addition to the score that the student received from that examination.
Our unit is supported by optical readers and measurement evaluation software in the evaluation of multiple-choice tests. In addition to this, we continue our efforts to establish a questionnaire that includes high-quality, tried and tested questions with high relevancy and reliability for the core courses in order to improve the exam system at our school.
Our students are assessed within an academic year by following various strategies.
Observations: All students are observed frequently and regularly. The teacher performs various observations from a wide-angle focus where the classroom is focused entirely and close-up focus where he/she focuses on a single child.
Performance Assessments: These are the assessments related to practices which have certain criteria and focus on a specific target. The over-disciplinary skills of students are frequently and regularly observed. Observations are recorded as follows:
Process Focused Assessments: Typical and non-typical behaviors are noted, as many observations as possible are made in order to reinforce safety, and evidences from different contexts are synthesized to increase validity.
Selected Responses: These are one-time, one-dimensional exercises. Exams and "quizzes" are the most common examples of this assessment.
Open ended practices: In these practices, a stimulus is given to the students and they are asked to give a unique answer. The answer can be a short written answer, a picture, a diagram or a solution.
Term Assignments: These are given for allowing the student to demonstrate the ability to review, weigh and re-evaluate student's success, development, ability to think at a higher level, creativity and his/her thoughts.