A Differenciated and Enriched Education Program
A traditional school curriculum isn’t sufficient to provide students with the skills sets needed in the 21st century. An educational program should be in line with recent developments and needs to have the flexibility to adapt itself.
We at Anabilim Educational Institutions, plan our educational policies according to the changing conditions and technological developments of the 21st century.
Anabilim Educational Institutions have adopted a progressive approach to teaching. With the help of this approach, the students are encouraged to be active in the learning process. A student’s experience of the learning process is very significant, so, contrary to the educational philosophy in which information is transferred by the teacher, in progressive education teachers are seen as simply a guide for learning.
Based on the aforementioned philosophy, Anabilim Educational Institutions places the Constructive Learning Approach, along with Learning Styles, and Multiple Intelligence models, at the centre of education.
To this end, Anabilim Nursery Schools have;
been differentiated and enriched
developed and preserved the MEB programme
adapted the Primary School Programme
Included social events, such as school trips and parties in the programme
initiated the five developmental models (cognitive, socio-emotional, motor, selfcare skills)
developed the use of GEMS (a programme focusing on great discoveries in science and mathematics), Montessori, Reggio Emilio, the Orff Method, High Scope and Project-based learning approaches.
Our Kindergarten programme lets children;
Turn their natural curiosity into learning opportunities
Enhance their thinking abilities
Cooperate, rather than compete, with each other
Listen, and express themselves
Manage themselves and exercise self-control
Use the information they have gained in different situations, places, and on different topics
This programme also;
Takes children’s emotions seriously
Gives importance to observing, researching and discovering
Gives importance to accepting, and coping with, responsibility
Encourages children to use real life experiences, and teaches them life skills
Creates a rich and stimulating environment
Makes children focus on the result, rather than the process
Allows parental participation in the process.
Although we do this, we never forget that they are children, and do not overlook their immaturity